Terms & Privacy
The BeyondSeq Project is dedicated to protecting your privacy as a client using our website and the confidentiality of the information you supply to us.
Information Collection and Use
Personal information is collected when you register on certain parts of the website, when you use certain pages and when you send us an email. We gather data from you for a number of reasons including, to carry out the services you request and to monitor and improve our service generally. We may use the data to provide you with details of our services (if requested) and otherwise for the normal use and improvement of the website.
Information Sharing and Disclosure
BeyondSeq will not sell or make available to any third party your personal information except with your consent.
BeyondSeq may use cookies to identify registered users who return to certain sections of this website.
Editing or Deleting Your Information
You may request deletion of or access to your personal information by sending us an email to: webmaster@beyondseq.eu
Third Party Sites
Our website may link to other websites and we are not responsible for their data policies, procedures or their content.
Other Important Information
We endeavour to take all reasonable steps to protect the data. However, this policy has been developed with the recognition that Internet technologies are rapidly evolving. The policy is subject to change. Any such changes will be posted on this page.
If you have any questions or concerns about privacy and security, please contact: webmaster@beyondseq.eu